PALS in the PARK is our largest community program.
It is funded by the APEGNB Saint John Soap Box Derby.
Over 1900 students from 23 schools
experience recreational and educational
enrichment in Rockwood Park.
This program is at no cost to student or school
as even the cost of transportation is covered.
YOGA at the LAKE
is held every Monday night
at 7 in our banquet room.
This class is lead by volunteer yoga instructors
and accepts drop in donations.
The donations support
AWESOME Adventures in the PARK.
All levels are welcome to attend.
On Special evenings
Lily Lake Pavilion hosts
These family, oriented movies
are shown on the large, outside screen
for everyone to enjoy!
To find out more about the APEGNB Saint John Soap Box Derby check out the sponsorship brochure.
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